Monday, 30 May 2016

Ban #HighlyHazardousPesticides (#HHPs) as per #FAO of the #UNO Recommendations. Stop this #CrimeAgainstHumanity

Visit the website of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Did you find about the dangers of the use of Highly Hazardous Pesticides the #HHP?

Now search the phrase "Ban Hazardous Pesticides" on Google.  Perhaps, you will be convinced that not enough efforts are being made in our own country to save us and our children from this slow poisoning. We seem to be sleeping over the issue. Only the west is talking. If this state of affairs continues, soon the MNCs losing market in the west will try to make up for their lost sales from developing countries. It is time that we wake up and appeal our government to effectively ban these pesticides in India too. A list of some of such pesticides is available in the paper presented by Prof B. N. Singh during the National Seminar on Growth with Justice and can also be found in his slides available at LEAD Slides. You can also listen to his talk at LEAD Channel (and read in greater details in his paper published in the compendium). For a quick reference we are including the relevant slide here:
Please support us in our campaign, by speaking about the issue, writing about the issue and spreading awareness in this regard as much as you can against this Crime Against Humanity.


  1. A petition can be initiated at by a competent personality who knows the subject. This is a very effective way to spread the word and get the government involved.

    1. Thank you for a good suggestion. Meanwhile we request all who share the concern to spread the word by sharing and tweeting this post as much as they can.
